Children’s Ministry

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14, NKJV)

Our body of believers is a strong, growing assembly. To ensure the next generation is prepared for service requires a sense of purpose, and the dedication of many people. These people are volunteers who know how vital it is that our children know who our Lord is, know the importance of a personal relationship with Him, and know the privilege of being called one of His.

Overseeing this vital ministry are Pastor Jacob Kliebe and Pam Allen. They share a common desire to serve Jesus, and to help believers understand their role and mission for the Lord.

Ministries for all ages, including nursery through 6th grade, are provided at each of our Sunday morning and Saturday night studies.

In addition to our children’s ministry programs for each age group during each service on the weekends, we also have special kids club programs every Wednesday night at 6:45 PM. Pick up a brochure in the lobby, or call the church office today for more information!

The Clubhouse

Hey Kids! Come meet up with all your friends at the Clubhouse. Join in and learn the club motto and handshake. If you want to have tons of fun while growing closer to God, then this is the place!

Vacation Bible School 2019

Find answers to life’s most important questions and discover that God loves you!