Men’s Ministry

The vision for our men’s ministry is to support the vision of Calvary Chapel Chico to lead the lost to Christ, disciple the saved and send out equipped workers into the harvest field.

Our goal is to raise up and equip men to become men of God and godly leaders in their homes, workplaces, our community and the church. We teach that godly leadership should be done in a manner similar to what Jesus modeled in the Gospels. Godly leadership is demonstrated by loving servant leadership and is not lording it over others. We believe that we are called to serve those we lead and if necessary, lay our lives down for those we lead. We also believe that all men need to be an example to those they lead. (Philippians 2:3-11)

Our method is to do this through providing teaching and exhortation to the men of Calvary both formally and informally (Acts 20:20); encouraging true fellowship (Acts 2:42); and encouraging men to exercise their gifts as they serve the Lord at home, in the community and in the church.

We currently have two morning men’s fellowships:
Tuesday mornings at the Morning Thunder Café at 6:30 AM.
Fridays in our church Café at 7:00 AM.

One Friday each month we have a Men’s Dinner in the Fellowship Hall. You can check our Special Events Calendar to see when the next one is.

We are occasionally hosting an 8 week “God’s Man” Boot Camp. Please contact Pastor Bud for more information.

God's Man's Boot Camp

Eight weeks of intensive training to become proficient in spiritual warfare.

Men's Fellowship Dinner Studies

Listen to studies from our Men's Fellowship Dinners
Men's Bible Study

Friday Morning Men's Bible Study

Click here to listen to recordings of our men's morning study.