Hope Academy

Hope Academy is dedicated to creating a student-centered learning environment designed to build capability, character, confidence and competence. We focus on supporting and honoring learning differences as we acknowledge how God uniquely created them.

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Update on Calvary Chapel Chico Remodel

Click below to watch our progress! Jesus said: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 19:14 If you have a heart for this project you may donate expressly for this purpose by logging in to our EasyTithe page here, and then...
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CCC Remodel Q&A: November 2013

1)   What is the general scope of work to be done? For this phase (Phase 2), we intend to complete 3 new classrooms on the first floor in our building to accommodate nursery and toddlers. We will also add a warming kitchen and a teachers’ meeting/lounge area. Phase 2 will also add a 2nd story...
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Pastor Sam’s Letter to the Church Body – Fall 2013

On The Horizon As Pam and I prepare to celebrate 30 years of ministry at Calvary Chapel Chico this December, we look back in wonder at all God has accomplished as we have learned to walk by faith in Him. Having begun our life together without the Lord, we’re amazed that He chose, forgave, and...
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When it Rains, it Pours

Spring Blessings – April 2004 Looking back, it’s hard for me to believe that three-and-a-half years have passed since we moved into – and began holding services in – what many of us still refer to as, “our new church home.” Our seventeen years in the wilderness of storefronts, high schools, veteran’s halls, community parks,...
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Facilities Update August 2000

PRAISE REPORTS FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS Since our last update in May, God has continued to go before us, opening doors, moving on hearts, giving us opportunity to share, answering our prayers and providing for our every need. • Escrow opened June 21st and will close on August 30th. • Our loan was approved within a...
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May 2000 Facilities Update

THE VISION • A home of our own (an end to our wilderness period) • A home with all the comforts of home including: • On-site ticket-less parking, comfortable seating, • Safe and secure classrooms for our children, • Modern, working, heating, air conditioning, restrooms, • Great sound, including a system for those with hearing...
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Facilities Update (1/16/2000)

Calvary Chapel Chico began in the early 1980s as an outreach of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Our first services were held in a storefront building on the corner of 5th and Mangrove. Only eight adults gathered with us for our second Sunday Service held on Dec. 25th 1983. Ten weeks after our arrival in Chico...
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The Point Is, Jesus

Beyond all the ministries, beyond all the music. Beyond all the buildings, structures, and facilities, our point, our direction, our purpose is Jesus. Jesus: Son of God, Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer. Jesus came to earth to endure the same experiences and temptations as all men face. He was tempted in all ways, yet remained without sin...
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