Vacation Bible School 2019

Son Spark Labs

This Summer, at SonSpark Labs, kids will trace God’s life-changing plan as it’s revealed from Creation to the present and on into the beyond– into an infinite future!
Young scientists will participate in experiments and hands-on activities that will help them get to know Jesus and God’s plan of salvation.
They’ll find answers to life’s most important questions and discover that God loves them and through Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s plan for each of us.
God’s Plan for You= Jesus! GP4U=J!


  • Choose from 2 weeks of VBS:
    • June 17-21
    • June 24-28
  • Ages Pre-K (4 years old by Sept. 1) through 6th Grade (2019/2020 school year).
  • VBS runs Monday-Friday from 10am-2pm.
  • Cost is $40 for pre-registration and $45 at the door.  Includes lunch each day, VBS t-shirt and crafts.

Online registration can be found here


  • Select VBS #1 or #2. Click Register and enter phone number & email address. Enter passcode sent to your phone. Enter your name. Click Add Someone Else to register child. Enter child’s name and grade in fall. Click Add Someone Else to register additional children. Click Next: Details to enter personal info for each child. Click Review & Pay to enter payment info. Finally, click Complete Registration. You will receive an email confirmation.
  • Online deadlines:
    • VBS Week #1 and #2 Online registration completed by Sunday, 6/9


  • Registration begins May 5th. Sign up early, space is limited!
  • Children will be registered on a first come, first serve basis for the week you choose.
  • Please arrive a little early on the first two days to allow for distribution of nametags and additional registration.
  • Lunch will be provided. Be sure to list all food allergies on registration form.
  • Be prepared to show a picture ID when picking up your child.